
Do you want to get certified or conduct an audit? We have experience in conducting, supervising and coordinating audits as an external auditor as well as support of the internal organization.

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Risk management

To limit the risk that unforeseen incidents will impact your business, Enhancing effective risk management is very important. Take a look at what Contrisity can offer to your business

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Compliance management

Rules and regulations have impact to the way you have to organize your business. Whether it is regarding the implementation of GDPR or testing the implemented controls on adequacy, Contrisity can support your business.

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Our latest

The mystery surrounding IT General Controls; which are they?

Does your accountant also talk about generic IT controls or IT General Controls (ITGCs) that they want to assess? If ...
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New published Third-Party Management framework

ISACA – a global independent professional practice within the field of information security, assurance, risk management, and governance – published ...
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The risk of working without annoying colleagues

Now the Covid-19 pandemic is again a reason for companies to ask their employees to work from home as much ...
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Layered Security

Layered security, synchronizing the physical and logical path

Classification of information and segmented/layered security is best practice within logical and physical access procedures. Also, it is mandatory when ...
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