5 Reasons to conduct an audit on your organization

Asking an audit company to conduct an audit on your organization, whether it’s regarding a SOC 2, ISO, PCI or something else, always needs an investment. The benefits are not always clear. Your company is professional, maybe you have an established company that is known for years within the sector. What are the reasons to become certified or for getting a formal report from an auditor that your organization is fully in control? Let’s find out!


To show your professionality

One of the most important reason to become certified is to prove your professionalism to stakeholders of your organization. It shows you comply with industry best practices and/or that you are in control and have mature procedures in place. It provides trust to your stakeholders!

Verification of the implementation of a framework

By improving your business processes and governance using best practices, an independent auditor can be asked to verify whether or not the implementation was performed sufficiently. If a certain standard is implemented, it is a good practice to check whether the implementation is performed right!

Upon request by your clients

Your clients may be requesting proof of compliance with certain standards. Maybe they want to obtain evidence as a basis for their confidence in your services (as part of their risk assessment). It can also be required for your customer to comply with certain regulations or certifications.

Needed for participating in tenders

If you want to participate in tenders, one of the requirements is mostly to show proof of compliance with standards. Tender procedures are normally formal and based on facts, figures and proof; instead of having just confidence in your company and solution. Requesting a proof of compliance by auditors is the only way for the reviewer of tenders to obtain some confidence.

Get professional advice

Advisory is a natural extension of audit services. Since experienced auditors have seen many environments, they naturally provide advice during an audit that improves your internal processes and procedures. Instead of purely assessing the requirements you should comply with, an auditor will point you in the right direction to solve irregularities. Needless to say, this is one of the major benefits of conducting an audit; the added value to your business!